When Yann Gross has a yen to travel, he fixes a trailer to his moped, packs his things and sets off down the Valley of the Rhône. There, surrounded by mountains, a traditionally secular people has farmed and forced a living out of the land. It’s hard to imagine that on this land, some of them, having rejected the idea of ‘here’ have sought for themselves an ‘elsewhere’—an ‘elsewhere’ that is right here. The America they have created in cunning disguise, ‘here’, is the America of the pioneers, the conquerors of the land. And Yann Gross’s journey plays on all the ambiguities. It is constructed as a documentary leap into an imaginary community of people drawn together by an apparent certainty about their identity—an identity that is strengthened by the fact that it is local. Welcome to Horizonville.
Sam Stourdzé, Les Rencontres d’Arles